So I think there's something about staying in an area for 5 transfers (7 months by the end of it) that does something to you, because I experienced this as soon as I hit the beginning of 5 transfers in Owego.
Everything looks familiar.
Every person, every car, every home.
They aaaaaall look familiar.
See, I thought it was just Owego, because Owego's small. But in comparison, Saratoga is HUGE. And yet, everyone looks familiar, and I SWEAR I've knocked on every home, which so isn't true.
But it makes life interesting. Sometimes I'll stand in front of a home/human and just stare at them and think, "You look so familiar."
When in reality I haven't seen them before in my life.
On another note....summer is here in Saratoga, which means A TON OF EVENTS ARE GOING ON.
I feel like I'm in New York City. But seriously. People everywhere, horrible traffic that makes me cranky, and a number of events. Plus, people are so classily dressed here, that sometimes I feel like I just blend into the crowd. Usually you don't see two girls in skirts walking around....
until you get to Saratoga.
Then everyone's in classy business suits and fancy dresses/skirts. Then I feel underdressed.
Mom, can you send me my prom dress?
Tangent over.
It's been good having the Elders back! The ward is very excited to see them! Elder T has had plenty of welcome backs!
I've also had this exact same conversation with a few members:
"So, Sister Stimpson, where else have you served?"
"Where's that?"
"By Binghamton."
"By Binghamton."
"Oh. Where else?"
" long have you been on your mission?"
"Just over a year."
Yeah, I just like to stay put in areas. What can I say?
So we had a lesson with our investigator. What was it on, you might ask?
The Law of Chastity.
And the Word of Wisdom.
Aka: time to stop living with your girlfriend and stop drinking coffee/smoking/drinking alcohol.
Now this is an awkward thing to address in general, let alone to a middle-aged man. So it comes time to have "the talk." Things are going fine and dandy. He's understanding it all. And then it comes time to address the issue of him living with his girlfriend.
Sister L starts frantically flipping through the Law of Chastity pamphlet, trying to stall addressing the issue. I'm just flat out trying not to bust up laughing, so to prevent that, I CANNOT make eye contact with anyone around me.
Meanwhile, little did I know, but Sister L is trying to make eye contact with me so that I can address the issue, but I'm just so fascinated with my shoes!
"" starts Sister L.
"Here it comes," I thought, and I start biting my lip and looking at my hands.
Yes, I have a problem that I can't control my laughter very well.
"You know how you're um, living with girlfriend?"
"Yes," he says.
" can't that."
"What if we're just roommates?"
I look up to see ALL of them (him, Sister L, the member) looking at me.
Well crud.
Well crud.
I swallow my laugh and say, " just causes a lot of temptation and it' better to avoid that, and to avoid the appearance of know?"
" I have to move out?"
"Well I guess that makes sense," he said, "I mean, it's kind of awkward living with her. It's like, do I love her? Do I not? Are we together? Are we not? It's just so confusing! Of COURSE I should move out!"
Sister L and I looked at each other in disbelief.
"Do you know any apartments nearby?" asked the member.
"Okay, my husband and I can help you look for some."
"That'd be great," he says, "You know, I've been thinking I need to move out. I have a friend who keeps telling me that I should, and now I have a reason why!"
Jaw drop.
"......Yay....!" I said, still a little bit in disbelief.
Then we handed him the Word of Wisdom pamphlet. During our brief introduction to it, He had already opened it, and before we could finish, said, "Oh yeah I'm fine with all of these. Well, except coffee. I've already had five cups today!"
I look at the clock.
It's 11:00.
"Well it's no wonder you talk so fast...." I thought to myself.
He called us a couple days ago to tell us he's stopped drinking coffee since we introduced it to him!! We are so excited!
But has it slowed down his speech?
"Hey, that's gre---."
"Well I'm glad that--."
"yeahsothingsaregoinggoodihaven'thadcoffeeinfivedaysnowandonlyacoupleofcravings.workingongettingchurchoff. ""Okay, we'll probably move your baptism date to August ---."
No. Exaggeration.
Things are going well here! Our young adult investigator and her friend came to church! Got to talk to my darling Sister S on the phone, as well as Sister C, who is in the zone! She was serving in Saratoga right before I came, and we came out at the same time.
Life's good. Going to Utica this week on July 4th for a conference. Wooh! Gonna party up Independence Day with the President of Wirthlin's.
Well. I love you all!
Hurrah For Israel!
Sista' Stimpson
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