And then the closer it got to my nine-month mark, the harder it got.
Then I actually reached my nine-month mark. And I feel like a walking zombie.
Then I actually reached my nine-month mark. And I feel like a walking zombie.
I have popped so many vitamin D pills in hopes of being more awake, it's not even funny!
This morning I rolled--literally rolled--out of bed and kind of laid on the floor for a few minutes like a dead fish while making a groaning noise that sounded similar to a cow.
This morning I rolled--literally rolled--out of bed and kind of laid on the floor for a few minutes like a dead fish while making a groaning noise that sounded similar to a cow.
Then I got up and siezed the day.
Ahem. Anyway. I've come up with a new motto on my mission:
There is no time for awkwardness because the whole thing is just awkward.
How true this statement proved to be this past week.
We drive to one of their houses, and park outside. As we turn to leave our car, I see this woman standing in the window of the house we're parked in front of, just staring at us. I kind of stare back at her and said, "Dude.....Sister H. Check out that creepiness."
There she was. Just STARING at us. Then, slowly, the woman (while still staring at us) picks up her house phone, and puts it to her ear.
We turn and look.
We were nowhere near the dude's driveway.
And we drove away.
So. Awkward.
Three other awkward moments that just made me smile after it happened:
Me: "Will you come to church this Sunday?"
Less active member: "No, I'm out of gas."
Later that day, we went and visited another woman. Her house is ALWAYS hilarious mad chaos. So, we walk in and she's lying on the couch and says, "Ah girls. I meant to call you and tell you I was sick, but I took a nap instead. Here, sit down."
So we sit down, then her grandson walks in and says, "Grandma! The internet isn't working."
So we sit down, then her grandson walks in and says, "Grandma! The internet isn't working."
"Okay, well, I'll call the cable guys later."
"Call them now!"
"Ask nicely."
"Can you please call them now?"
"Fine. Bring me the phone, please!"
Then her downstairs neighbor came up for a smoke break and they talked for about ten minutes while her neighbor smoked and her grandson searched for the phone.
So then she found the phone. The neighbor left, and she called the cable guys.
The next forty-five minutes consisted of this:
The next forty-five minutes consisted of this:
Woman: "K.C! (the grandson) WHAT LIGHTS ARE LIT UP ON THE BOX?"
Woman: "He says not the internet one."
Woman: "He says not the internet one."
Cable guy: "Okay, sir, I need you to unplug the cord--"
Woman: "UNPLUG IT, K.C."
Us: *in between bits of giggling* "..........can we come back on Thursday instead?"
Us: *in between bits of giggling* "..........can we come back on Thursday instead?"
We'll see what Thursday brings.
And last, but not least, we went to someone's house for dinner. They forgot we were coming. So she lets us in, then the entire family bickered with one another and with their pet. Sister H and I sat in silence on the couch. They didn't really know what to do with us. So we continued to sit in silence on the couch. Then they ordered pizza and bickered some more. Then Sister H and I started flipping through the Book of Mormon for fun. Then the pizza came, we ate a slice, shared a spiritual thought, and ran out and went to go visit some happy less actives.
Now for the not-so-awkward moments, more awesome moments!
We had a lesson with our investigator who just walked into church! We're teaching him the plan of salvation. He listened carefully and asked really sincere, deepish questions that we were able to answer and address! Though the whole time (curse my clumsiness of speech) I just felt like I wasn't making ANY sense. I was explaining the importance of Adam and Eve and the whole time I'm thinking, "Oh man. I'm just rambling. Does this even make any sense at all?"
Then I could literally see it click in his eyes as he said, "WOAH! Wait, so Adam and Eve being cast out of the Garden of Eden was all part of God's plan? He knew it was going to happen?"
"Yes!" I said, and thought at the same time, "Oh dear goodness - he's understanding me. Thank you, Heavenly Father!"
"I always wondered that! I always thought it made more sense if it was, I just never verbalized it!"
It was AWESOME! He said he was going to come to church!!!
And then he texted us an hour after church ended and said, "I'm so sorry I slept in!"
And now the Dude's going to Florida for two weeks and we wont be able to see him! Lame? Yes. But we'll just keep praying that his interest keeps up. It was awesome!
And then he texted us an hour after church ended and said, "I'm so sorry I slept in!"
And now the Dude's going to Florida for two weeks and we wont be able to see him! Lame? Yes. But we'll just keep praying that his interest keeps up. It was awesome!
Also, a few weeks ago we had a nice visit with a woman we tracted into. She made it clear to us she wasn't interested, but she felt bad that we were cold, so she let us in to tell her what our gospel was about. We told her, and she still said she wasn't interested, but she accepted a restoration pamphlet. We went back this week, and she let us in again. She was SO happy to see us and said, "I told everyone in my family about you girls! You just made me so happy and I really admire what you do! Have you had any success?"
We visited with her for a bit, then gave her a Book of Mormon at the end, she literally clasped it to her chest and said, "Thank you for my gift! I will HAVE to read this!"
IT MADE ME SO HAPPY! Just being able to brighten someone's day by bringing the Spirit there made me so happy :)
Ahem. Well, it seems I have run out of time again. I love you guys so much! Sorry I kinda rambled about random awkward stories. They were just so funny!
Love you guys!
Hurrah for Israel!
Sista' Stimpson.
Hurrah for Israel!
Sista' Stimpson.
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