This week was dripping with insanity.
And I wish I could say it was missionary insanity but NO. IT WAS JUST INSANE ALL AROUND.
Now before I begin my adventures, I will say that from the beginning of my mission, I really wanted to be realistic in my letters. I wanted to be open and honest about how I was feeling and my experiences I was having.
Well you're gonna get a big ol' bag full of honesty today.
All right. Since I came on my mission, I've been surprised by the amount of love I've felt for others! It's been incredible! And I have LOVED it!
....and then Saturday happened.
We got a new elder. He's struggling a bit. I don't blame him. He just got uprooted, and placed in a new area with a new companion who doesn't know the area. He isn't happy
I think I'm mostly frustrated, because this area was kind of infamous for having not-so-good missionaries in the past. This area needs a lotta love, and he is NOT loving it yet.
All I can say is, if I'm having this hard of a time with an Elder who doesn't love my mission area, how on earth am I going to react when my child gets bullied at school?
Someone's gonna GET. MA. WRATH.
Yeah I'm struggling.
Mostly I'm like, stressing cause a) this was unexpected b) Elder Z doesn't know the area and c) I don't know if either one of them really like this area and d) We were good friends with Elders F and J, and now they're both gone!
I know I'm gonna get some sort of lesson from this. It is DEFINITLY going to make me learn to love EVERYONE.
Now I know. This is not good. I REALLY need to fix this, but MAN. IT HAS BEEN SO HARD.
So that's been fun.
This week was also insane, because, like I mentioned last Monday, we kinda got kicked out of our apartment. It was originally supposed to last one day...haha....try THREE days. I felt like such a hobo, bumming to various members' homes to sleep.
Ever tried working in an area without an area book? IT'S HARDER THAN YOU'D THINK.
But now our floors are squeaky clean and I will no longer get slivers from them!
Now for missionary moments!
OUR YOUNG MAN INVESTIGATOR HAS A BAPTISM DATE! December 21st. He wanted it to be his Christmas present. SO excited! He went to a ward service project and the Elders said he kept talking about how excited he was to be baptized! I really, really hope we can get his mom back to church.
The other day, we were walking down the road and offered to help move a woman into her house. She said she got it, then asked, "Hey, you girls the Mormon missionaries?"
"Yes we are!"
"My good friend was a Mormon! I think he was like a preacher or whatever it is you call them."
"Yeah! I went to a few of his sermons, actually. Drop by sometime this week and we can have some coffee, okay?"
Well we dropped by, and she let us in and said, "You actually caught me right as I was leaving! I'm going on vacation, but I'm coming home Wednesday. PROMISE me you'll come back, okay? I'll give you girls some tea."
....we're gonna be taking some hot chocolate packets with us when we go back to visit her.
ALSO ALSO! one of the days we were homeless, a ward member referred us to his neighbor. He said she had met with missionaries when the last sisters were here. I went to the door and we did a tracting approach, and not only did she take a Book of Mormon and a pamphlet and said that she'd read them, but she told us to come back! YAY! We're gonna be doing that this week :)
I love the little miracles I see. And that I get to retell them to you all!
Okay well time's up. Hopefully things will smooth out, and that I will learn to love this new Elder.
But he doesn't think my jokes are funny.
Okay I guess people with a sense of humor do.
Hurrah for Israel!
Sista Stimpson.
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