Monday, February 24, 2014


So....nine months. I feel like that's a huge step in life. I've accomplished half of my mission! I've been in two areas, three companions, and have met some of the most amazing people on earth.
....yet I feel like I've just begun.
I wonder what these next nine months will bring.

That being said, it's amazing the amount of drama that can happen in one day. That day for us was Sunday.

Saturday afternoon, we met with our investigator. We tried teaching her the Plan of Salvation, but she was kind of distracted. Finally we just read 2 Nephi 2 together and talked about the fall of Adam and Eve, Jesus Christ's sacrifice and how freedom to choose is a gift from God.
As we left, she told us she wanted to come to church. We called and set up a ride for her, and she said she'd be ready for tomorrow!
Sunday morning comes, and her ride calls us to say she won't answer her phone or her door.

So yes, she didn't come.
Good thing church is every Sunday. Hopefully next week.

Saturday evening we called our 90-year-old investigator  to see if he was still coming to church.
"Well, I was planning on it, but then my Jehovah's Witness friends came and said they really miss me! I think I'm going there tomorrow!"
Dang it.
"I try to be."
Speaking of him, here was a golden conversation we had on Tuesday during our lesson:
Him: "......Satan?"
Us: "FAITH!"
Us: "F-AI-TH."
Him: ".......Where did I get the S from?"
Love teaching 90-year-old men.
Now before this next story, I guess I should give a little bit of background information. At the beginning of this week, our recent convert went to stay with a relative for the week for Winter Break. (Yes. They have a winter, Christmas AND spring break here. Jealous.) I was talking to her friend and said, "So when is she getting back?"
"....she didn't tell you?" she replied.
That's never a good start to a conversation.
"Tell us what?" I asked.
"She's not coming back. I guess she didn't really like it here, and she went to her relative's just for vacation....and decided to stay."
I felt a little bit of my heart squeeze. I'm not sure what to think at this point. I feel like I should be more upset than I am.....but I'm just calm. Maybe this was supposed to happen? I don't know.
Either way, I'm still worried about her. I hope she's okay. I really do love that girl. She's incredible.

So, that was the drama of the week.
BUT. It wasn't at all a bad week! In fact, we've managed to pick up a new investigator! Hurrah!
See, last Sunday this random guy came to church, and no one knew who he was. So people come up and greet him, and we're like, "Elders. Go sit by the new guy."
After church, New Guy starts to leave and I'm like, "HEY!" and go corner him. Turns out he's a student at a nearby college. I asked him if he'd be willing to learn more from us! So he says yes and we set up a time to meet with him.
That Friday, we met with him and found out a little more about him. Turns out he came for a class assignment, but he's always had an interest in the Mormon religion.
So I asked, "So how were you first introduced to the gospel?"
He smiled uncomfortably and said, "You want the truth?"
"The South Park episode."
I couldn't help it. I totally burst out laughing and said, "I knew something good would come from South Park!"
So brilliant. Turns out he was raised in a different religion, and was amazed at the differences in church buildings. He said that when the Bishop shook his hand and introduced himself as "Bishop N." he thought, "Oh my gosh....the BISHOP'S here? I'm shaking hands with the BISHOP?"
I laughed. We taught him the first lesson and he was super open about it! Hopefully we'll see some progression with him :)

Also had a couple from Taiwan feed us native Taiwanese food. SO. BLASTED. DELICIOUS. Then the next night a lady took us out for fast food Chinese. Not quite as delicious. 

Well family, I love you all so much! I am so grateful for this opportunity to be a missionary at this time when the Lord is hastening His Work!

Also it was 40-45 degrees here. HEAT WAVE!

Hurrah For Israel,

Sista Stimpson

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