Monday, December 8, 2014


[Camilla returns this week.  She will speak in our current ward at 11:00 on Sunday, December 14. (1700 East at about 9600 South in Sandy).  She will also speak in our former ward at 2:00 on that same day (about 89 East 11000 South in Sandy).

I really didn't think this day would come. 
It came way too fast, if you ask me. 

But it was a great week, and these next few days will be great, too. 

The baptism was wonderful. I feel so privileged to have been here for the grandmother's baptism, to have taught this girl back then, and then to come back and help the grandmother come back to church, and see the granddaughter baptized. It has been such a wonderful, moving experience and I really couldn't ask for anything better. 

The temple was amazing. The sacred grove was incredible. I didn't want to leave. The spirit was so strong, and I felt so at peace there. The sacred grove was different than I had ever seen it. Usually, you see it or have been to it when it is lush, and green, and warm. But, in my opinion, I saw a far more beautiful side to it.  All the trees were bare, and the leaves coated the ground. A light powder of snow covered the leaves, and the only way you could see the pathway was because of the footprints left from the people before. When we got there, it began to rain heavily, and it was mixed with a light snow. I sat on a bench and just listened to the rain fall. The bare trees towered above me, and I felt so, so at peace. And I knew that this was a place that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ had truly appeared. 

I seriously wish I had more time on my mission, but I know that coming home at this time is the Lord's plan for me. 
And I feel like I have learned a lot and changed a lot on my mission. 

I've learned the importance of charity, and recognizing everyone as a Child of God. Life is so much happier when you strive to love everyone. Even if you don't particularly LIKE someone, you can still treat them with respect and try to treat them in a way as Christ would. 

I've learned that Christ is the perfect example of who we should be and what we should do. 

I've learned that there is no greater thing that makes one happy than serving others.

I've learned that pure joy is found from repentance, and forgiveness from God, and forgiving others. 

I've learned that Heavenly Father knows you perfectly. He is so aware of not only your needs, but the needs of everyone around you, as well. His plan for his children not only will be the best plan for you, but for those around you, too. It's a perfect plan, even if you don't fully understand that plan.

I've learned that Jesus Christ's gospel was lost once on earth, but through a prophet of God, it is back again. I've learned how lucky and important it is that we have a prophet! And I've learned that this IS the true gospel, and it is the best gift on earth. 

I've learned that the Gospel of Jesus Christ really does bring a difference into lives. It brings peace. It rids of chaos. It brings order. It brings direction. It brings guidance. It brings joy. It brings understanding. It brings knowledge. It brings happiness. It brings others closer together, and closer to God. 

I've learned that the Book of Mormon IS another testament of Jesus Christ. I have seen it transform broken, hopeless souls into beautiful, confident lives. Only a true book from God could do that. 

I have learned to overcome the trials and setbacks set before me. And I have seen "weak things become strong." 

I know this gospel is true. 
And I wouldn't trade the experiences I've had on my mission for ANYTHING. I would do it again in a heartbeat. 
I don't regret a thing I've done on my mission. I've learned. I've grown. I've loved. I've served. 
I will miss this a lot. 
And the next step in my life will take a huge step of trust from God. 

Hurrah for Israel 

Sister Stimpson  

Monday, December 1, 2014

A sick day, a holiday, a service day, a Sabbath day

Remember how last week’s letter was totally lame? 
This week was quite the week. 

Monday and Tuesday were your regular ol' missionary days. Teaching the word. Working hard. Visiting people. Walking the streets of Owego and loving life. 

And then.......Tuesday night came. 
And we got food poisoning. 
" I feel so sick?" I asked. 
"Ugh, I don't know, but I do, too," said Sister H. 
Our planning sessions kept getting interrupted by one of us going to the bathroom, or one or both of us clutching our stomachs saying, "I don't feel good AT ALL." 
I changed into my pajamas after planning, and looked at my stomach in a mirror. 
"Holy COW! Sister H, am I usually this fat?" 
"WOAH. Girl you're BLOATED." 
We both crawled into bed and fell asleep pretty quickly. 

6:29 a.m. 
The alarm goes off. 
I sit up, and immediately my stomach flip flops inside of me. 
We both take a turn using the bathroom, then I crawl back in bed. 
"Okay, I'm setting the alarm for 9. If we're not feeling better by then, we'll cancel our morning appointments."

9:00 a.m. 

Call #1: "Hey. It's the sisters. So.....we have food poisoning......"
Call #2: "Hey, it's the sisters. So......we have food poisoning......" 
Call #3: "Hey, it's the sisters. So......we have food poisoning......" 

Sister H continued to sleep. 
"Okay," I thought, "I'll set the alarm for 11. If we don't feel better by then, then we'll cancel our afternoon appointments."

11:00 a.m. 

Call #4: "Hey, it's the sisters. So.......we have food poisoning....."

Call #5: "Hi, Sister Writhlin. It's Sister H and Sister Stimpson." 
"How are you?" 
"Uuuuuuugh. We feel SO sick! Our stomachs hurt SO bad, it hurts to move, and I'm so bloated I look three months pregnant!" 
I then had to wait for her to stop laughing before I could continue. 

We literally did NOT leave the apartment ALL. DAY. And we didn't really leave our beds, either. We were SO blasted sick.

Thursday Morning

6:29 a.m. 

"How're you feeling?" asked Sister H. 
"Eh. You?" I replied. 

9:00 a.m. 
We wake up, roll out of bed, and manage to get ready on time to go to our teaching appointments with members, and our back-to-back thanksgiving dinners. 

This time, we were sick from eating too much, and not from food poisoning. 

By Friday, we felt completely fine. A family in the ward needed help moving that day, so we showed up to help. 
The Elders were there, along with about 6 other men.  And I dubbed this day.....
feminist Friday. 

"Oh, don't take this box. It's too heavy." 
"Oh, this box was heavy. Here, give this one to the Elders." 
"Here! That's too heavy! 
It seemed that EVERY box was too heavy for us. It got to the point when we finally threw our hands up, and began yelling ridiculous comments at nobody in particular. 

"Well FINE! We'll just go sit in the corner and knit and eat bon bons. But, oh wait! What if our little fingers are too dainty to knit? We better not, WE MIGHT BREAK SOMETHING!" 



We may have gone a little crazy....
or a lot crazy. 

At one point, we were having a little pity party downstairs and sat on one of their couches because nobody would let us do anything. Then Sister H and I looked around. 
"Hey.....everyone's downstairs," I said, "that means nobody’s upstairs...."
"There's that black bench upstairs!" 
"Let's go move it before anyone catches us!" 
We run upstairs, and Sister H and I quickly clear off the bench, and begin to move it. We were halfway out the front door, when the owner of the house saw us. Her eyes got big and she yelled, "NO! NO, SISTERS PUT THAT DOWN! ELDERS! ELDERS, COME QUICK, WE NEED YOU!" 
I slammed my end of the bench down, threw my hands in the air, and marched away, going on and on once again about knitting and birthing hips. Sister H refused to put her side down, so she and one of the Elders moved it down together as the owner of the house proceeded to lecture me and my companion on moving something that was "far too heavy." 

We marched back upstairs where I saw a big box full of yarn. I picked it up and was halfway down the stairs, when one of the members tried to take it from me. I maneuvered in such a way where he couldn't grab it as he said, "Oh--isn't that heavy?" 
And I kept moving, and as he stepped out of my way, he slipped and fell in the snow. 
"You pushed him in the snow." said Sister H. 
"Oh no. SORRY!" I said. 

Then, when everything was about cleared out, there were some long 2x4 boards that were being loaded up. I grabbed two and began to walk towards the moving van, when a ward member stopped me and said, "Just take one board." 
He grabbed one of the two from me and said, "Just one board." 
"He can't hear you-" said Sister H. 
He walked away, two boards in hand. I began to carry just one, then I stopped and said, "I refuse to be a part of this." Grabbed two, and walked to the van. 
Then he chuckled and said, "So, you decided on two, then?"
I handed them to the men loading the van and said, "Yes, I did. It's cause I'm very prideful, very prideful indeed." 

Then came Sunday. 
Sunday evening, we began to organize things for the baptism on Friday. We created a Facebook page and began to invite people. After doing so, we did the only logical thing to do: 
Facebook stalk President Wirthlin. 
I'm sitting at my computer, when I hear Sister H say, "Crap!  No, I don't want to tag them---SHOOT! NO! HOW DO I UNTAG PEOPLE?" 
I leaned over to see her screen. 
"What'dya do?" 
"I accidentally tagged Sister Wirthlin as my mother!" 
Through uncontrollable laughter, I explained that I wasn't sure, but I thought that only her mom or President could untag her.
"Aaaah crap." 
We then proceeded to send him a text explaining the situation. 
Basically, it was a great way to end the week. 


Hurrah for Israel!

Sister Stimpson